IBM, GM(通用汽车), HSBC(汇丰银行), Oracle(甲骨文), BP(英国石油), British Telecomm(英国电信), Microsoft(微软), Digital, ASA Computers, Johnson & Johnson(强生), Hewlett Packard (惠普), EDS, J P Morgan(摩根大通), Liechtenstein Global Trust, 3M(美国明尼苏达矿业制造公司), Boeing(波音公司), Rank Xerox(施乐), Goldman Sachs(高盛), Metropolitan Police(伦敦警察厅), Barclays International(巴科莱投资银行), Encyclopaedia Britannica(大英百科全书), Kuwait Petroleum Company(科威特石油公司)等。
About the author
Tony Buzan is the author of the international bestseller The Mind Map Book. He lectures worldwide and is published in 200 countries and over 30 languages.
He works as consultant to multinational companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Barclays International, and IBM; as well as governments, leading businesses, educational groups, and international Olympic athletes.
As a popular psychology author, Tony Buzan has written on subjects relating to the brain, "genius quotient (GQ)", spiritual intelligence, memory, creativity and speed reading. He is the founder and President of the Brain Foundation (not to be confused with various medical-related bodies with the same name) and also the Brain Trust Charity, the World Memory Championships[6] and the World Championships of the Brain. He was a co-founder of London's Mind Body Spirit Festival as well as the Mind Sports Olympiad.