2018年1月31日,世界记忆运动理事会亚太区主席张陆武因其为中英文化交流近20年所作出的卓越贡献被伦敦市政厅授予“伦敦金融城荣誉市民”(Freedom of the City of
Mr David Zhang,the
President of WMSC in Asia Pacific Region, was honored “Freedom of the City of
London” by London city hall for his 20-year contribution to cultral exchange
between China and Britain on Jan 31, 2018.
LONDON),这个庄严珍贵的荣誉是现存最古老的传统之一,可以追溯到1237年——英国大宪章时代称: 获此头衔的人有权在伦敦一平方英里的金融城界内经商或从业。
The dignified honor of Freedom
of the City of London has been one of the most long-preserving old tradition dating back to 1237. As
was said at the time of Great Charter, those who were titled had the privilege
to engage in trade or take up an occputation in the city of London,
如今,获奖者已来自世界各地的军事(领袖)、皇室、贵族、艺术、外交、政治等领域。在这份逾百年历史名单里,包括戴安娜公主(英国前王妃)、摩根.弗里曼(美国著名影星以及导演)、纳尔逊.曼德拉(南非前总统)、温斯顿.丘吉尔、Jimmy Choo、帕瓦罗蒂、美国前联储局局长格林斯潘等。
Now the award-winners
range from military leaders, royal families,aristocrats to personages in
art,diplomacy,and political areas all around the world. In this long list are
cerebrities such as Diana (former Princess of Wales), Morgan Freeman(American actor and director), Nelson Mandela(former
president of South Africa), Winston Churchill( former Prime Minster of the
United Kingdom) , Jimmy Choo, Pavarotti (Opera singer )and Alan
Greenspan(former president of Federal Reserve).
2012年5月8日,畅销书《哈利波特》的作者 J.K.
J.K Rowling, the author
of best-selling book Harry Potter was
also honored Freedom of the City of London on May 8,2012.