伊恩•兰金,1960年出生于苏格兰法夫郡,毕业于爱丁堡大学,先后做过葡萄采摘工,猪饲养员,税务员,酒类研究者,音响器材记者和朋克音乐人。他的第一部“雷布斯系列小说”《绳结与十字》(Knots & Crosses)出版于1987年,至今雷布斯系列已被译成多种文字,并在美国日渐畅销。伊恩•兰金曾被选为霍桑顿奖资助作家,荣获“钱德勒-富布赖特推理文学奖”,两度摘得“英国犯罪小说作家协会匕首奖”,并以《黑与蓝》一书获得1997年“英国犯罪小说作家协会金匕首奖”。他目前居住在爱丁堡,已婚,并育有两个儿子。
Ian Rankin, OBE, DL (born 28 April 1960) is a Scottish crime writer, best known for his Inspector Rebus novels.Before becoming a full-time novelist he worked as a grape-picker, swineherd, taxman, alcohol researcher, hi-fi journalist, college secretary and punk musician.In 2009 Rankin stated on Radio Five Live that he would start work on a five or six-issue run on the comic book Hellblazer, although he may turn the story into a stand-alone graphic novel instead. The Vertigo Comics panel at WonderCon 2009 confirmed that the story would be published as a graphic novel called Dark Entries, the second release from the company's new Vertigo Crime imprint.